Edited version of Arabic font files to add support for Jawi alphabets
Listed here are the letters currently recognized as part of Malay language.
Letter | Malay Name |
Unicode Codepoint |
Unicode Name |
Sound represented |
Rumi equivalent |
Sample word (Jawi) |
Sample word (Rumi) |
Sample word (IPA) |
English meaning of sample word |
ا | Alif | U+0627 | Arabic letter alef | /a/ | a | ايم | ayam | /a.jam/ | chicken |
/ə/ | e (ĕ) | مميتابوليسماکن | memetabolismekan | /mə.me.ta.bo.lis.mə.kan/ | metabolizing | ||||
No sound | (Vowel starter) | اينده | indah | /in.dah/ | beauty | ||||
ب | Ba | U+0628 | Arabic Letter Beh | /b/ | b | باچ | baca | /ba.t͡ʃa/ | read |
ت | Ta | U+062A | Arabic letter teh | /t/ | t | تتيکوس | tetikus | /tə.ti.kus/ | (computing) mouse |
ث | Sa | U+062B | Arabic letter theh | /θ/ | s | ثلاث | selasa | /θa.laː.θah/ | Tuesday |
/s/ | /sə.la.sa/ | ||||||||
ج | Jim | U+062C | Arabic letter jeem | /d͡ʒ/ | j | جاري | jari | /d͡ʒa.ri/ | finger |
چ | Ca | U+0686 | Arabic letter tcheh | /t͡ʃ/ | c | چريتا | cerita | /t͡ʃə.ri.ta/ | story |
ح | Ha kecil / Ha pedas |
U+062D | Arabic letter hah | /ḥ/ | h | حروف | huruf | /ḥurūf/ | (alphabet) letters |
/h/ | /hu.rof/ | ||||||||
حال | hal | /hal/ | issue | ||||||
/ħ/ | /ħaːl/ | ||||||||
خ | Kha | U+062E | Arabic letter khah | /x/ | kh | خبر | khabar | /xa.bar/ | tell |
د | Dal | U+062F | Arabic letter dal | /d/ | d | دادو | dadu | /da.du/ | dice |
ذ | Zal | U+0630 | Arabic letter thal | /ð/ | z | بيذا | beza | /be.ða/ | differences |
/z/ | /be.za/ | ||||||||
ر | Ra | U+0631 | Arabic letter reh | /r/ | r | رڠکاين | rangkaian | /raŋ.kaj.jan/ | network |
ز | Zai | U+0632 | Arabic letter zain | /z/ | z | زو | zoo | /zu/ | zoo |
x | زينون | xenon | /zi.non/ | xenon | |||||
س | Sin | U+0633 | Arabic letter seen | /s/ | s | سالين | salin | /sa.len/ | copy |
ش | Syin | U+0634 | Arabic letter sheen | /ʃ/ | sy | شيليڠ | syiling | /ʃi.liŋ/ | coin |
ص | Sad | U+0635 | Arabic letter sad | /s/ | s | فصل | fasal | /fa.sal/ | causation |
ض | Dad | U+0636 | Arabic letter dad | /d/ | d | ضرورة | darurat | /da.ro.rat/ | state of emergency |
ط | To | U+0637 | Arabic letter tah | /t/ | t | طلاق | talak | /ta.laʔ/ | repudiation |
ظ | Zo | U+0638 | Arabic letter zah | /z/ | z | ظهر | zohor | /zo.hor/ | Zuhr |
ع | Ain | U+0639 | Arabic letter ain | /ʕ/ | a | ساعة | saat | /sa.ʕat/ | (time) second |
i | علمو | ilmu | /ʕil.mu/ | knowledge | |||||
u | علماء | ulama | /ʕu.la.maʔ/ | Ulama | |||||
/ʔ/ | k | معنا | makna | /maʔ.na/ | meaning | ||||
غ | Ghain | U+063A | Arabic letter ghain | /ɣ/ | gh | غيب | ghaib | /ɣa.eb/ | unseen |
ڠ | Nga | U+06A0 | Arabic letter ain with three dots above |
/ŋ/ | ng | ڤڠݢيل | panggil | /paŋ.gel/ | (verb) call |
ف | Fa | U+0641 | Arabic letter feh | /f/ | f | فيلم | filem | /fi.ləm/ | film |
ڤ | Pa | U+06A4 | Arabic letter veh | /p/ | p | ڤڤيجت | pepijat | /pə.pi.d͡ʒat/ | (computing) bug |
ق | Qaf | U+0642 | Arabic letter qaf | /ʔ/ | k | تيدق | tidak | /ti.daʔ/ | not / don't |
/q/ | q | قاريء | qari | /qa.riʔ/ | Qāriʾ | ||||
ک | Kaf | U+06A9 | Arabic letter keheh | /k/ | k | کريتا | kereta | /kə.re.ta/ | car |
ݢ | Ga | U+0762 | Arabic letter keheh with dot above |
/ɡ/ | g | ݢنتيان | gentian | /gən.ti.jan/ | fiber / fibre |
ل | Lam | U+0644 | Arabic letter lam | /l/ | l | لاما | lama | /la.ma/ | old |
م | Mim | U+0645 | Arabic letter meem | /m/ | m | مينوم | minum | /mi.nom/ | (verb) drink |
ن | Nun | U+0646 | Arabic letter noon | /n/ | n | مناڠيس | menangis | /mə.na.ŋes/ | crying |
و | Wau | U+0648 | Arabic letter waw | /w/ | w | واڠ | wang | /waŋ/ | money |
/u/ | u | اونتوڠ | untung | /un.toŋ/ | profit | ||||
/o/ | o | ڤوتوڠ | potong | /po.toŋ/ | cut | ||||
/ɔ/ | /pɔ.toŋ/ | ||||||||
ۏ | Va | U+06CF | Arabic letter waw with dot above |
/v/ | v | ۏن | van | /van/ | van |
ه | Ha besar / Ha simpul |
U+0647 | Arabic letter heh | /h/ | h | هنتو | hantu | /han.tu/ | ghost |
ة | Ta marbutah | U+0629 | Arabic letter teh marbuta | /t/ | t | عبادة | ibadat | /i.ba.dat/ | servitude |
/ʕi.ba.dat/ | |||||||||
/h/ | h | سورة | surah | /su.rah/ | chapters of al-Quran |
ء | Hamzah | U+0621 | Arabic letter hamza | No sound | (Diphtong marker) | ماءين | main | /main/ | play |
(Pause marker) | لاءوق | lauk | /la.oʔ/ | side dishes | |||||
/ʔ/ | ’ | داتوء | dato’ | /da.toʔ/ | (title) Dato' | ||||
ي | Ya | U+064A | Arabic letter yeh | /j/ | y | واير | wayar | /wa.yar/ | wire |
/i/ | i | تيڠݢي | tinggi | /tiŋ.gi/ | tall | ||||
/e/ | e (é) | مريک | mereka | /mə.re.ka/ | they / create | ||||
/ɛ/ | e (é) | بيݢ | beg | /bɛg/ | bag | ||||
ڽ | Nya | U+06BD | Arabic letter noon with three dots above |
/ɲ/ | ny | ڽاڽي | nyanyi | /ɲa.ɲi/ | sing |
ى | Ye / Alif maqsurah |
U+0649 | Arabic letter alef maksura | /ə/ | e (ĕ) | ناسيوناليسمى | nasionalisme | /na.sjo.na.lis.mə/ | nationalism |
/a/ | a | فتوى | fatwa | /fat.twa/ | verdict |
Listed here are the punctuation marks in Jawi as currently in used as part of Malay language.
Punctuation | Malay Name |
Unicode Codepoint |
Unicode Name |
Usage |
ٴ | Hamzah Tiga Suku | U+0674 | Arabic Letter High Hamza | Has multiple different usages. |
. | Noktah / Tanda Titik | U+002E | Full Stop | To end a sentence. |
، | Koma Arab | U+060C | Arabic Comma | Separate items or indicate pause. (This is the proper character codepoint for Jawi Comma but it is shown incorrectly on unsupported system) |
⹁ | Koma Jawi | U+2E41 | Reversed Comma | Separate items or indicate pause. (This is not the proper character codepoint for Jawi Comma but it is shown correctly even on unsupported system) |
! | Tanda Seru | U+0021 | Exclamation Mark | To end an emphasized sentence, or sentence with strong feeling attached to it. |
؟ | Tanda Tanya | U+061F | Arabic Question Mark |
To end a question, or sentence with uncertainty elements. |
: | Titik Bertitik | U+003A | Colon | To end the sentence that will start point listing or explaining afterwards. |
؛ | Koma Bertitik Arab |
U+061B | Arabic Semicolon | To end a part of sentence but continue the topic. (This is the proper character codepoint for Jawi Semicolon but it is shown incorrectly on unsupported system) |
⁏ | Koma Bertitik Jawi |
U+204F | Reversed Semicolon | To end a part of sentence but continue the topic. (This is not the proper character codepoint for Jawi Semicolon but it is shown correctly even on unsupported system) |
٢ | Tanda Ganda | U+0662 | Arabic-Indic Digit Two |
Ditto, to mark duplicated words used in Malay to explicitly mark them as plural forms. |
﴾ | Tanda Kurungan Pembuka Arab |
U+FD3E | Ornate Left Parenthesis |
Multiple usage, mainly to start explanation or alternate meaning. (This is the proper character codepoint for Jawi Opening Bracket but it is shown incorrectly on unsupported system) |
﴿ | Tanda Kurungan Penutup Arab |
U+FD3F | Ornate Right Parenthesis |
Multiple usage, mainly to end explanation or alternate meaning. (This is the proper character codepoint for Jawi Closing Bracket but it is shown incorrectly on unsupported system) |
( | Tanda Kurungan Pembuka |
U+0028 | Left Parenthesis | Multiple usage, mainly to start explanation or alternate meaning. (This is not the proper character codepoint for Jawi Opening Bracket but it is shown correctly even on unsupported system) |
) | Tanda Kurungan Penutup |
U+0029 | Right Parenthesis | Multiple usage, mainly to end explanation or alternate meaning. (This is not the proper character codepoint for Jawi Closing Bracket but it is shown correctly even on unsupported system) |
" | Tanda Petik | U+0022 | Quotation Mark | To mark a quoted sentence. (This character is used on unsupported system for both opening and ending of the quoted sentence) |
” | Tanda Petik Pembuka |
U+201D | Right Double Quotation Mark |
To mark the start of quoted sentence. (This character is used on supported system only) |
‟ | Tanda Petik Penutup |
U+201F | Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark |
To mark the end of quoted sentence. (This character is used on supported system only) |
' | Koma Terbalik | U+0027 | Apostrophe | To mark a quote inside a quoted sentence. (This character is used on unsupported system for both opening and ending) |
’ | Koma Atas Terbalik | U+2019 | Right Single Quotation Mark |
To mark the start of quote inside a quoted sentence. (This character is used on supported system only) |
‛ | Koma Atas | U+201B | Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark |
To mark the end of quote inside a quoted sentence. (This character is used on supported system only) |
\ | Tanda Palang Jawi | U+005C | Reverse Solidus | Short form of "or" in Jawi |
/ | Tanda Palang Rumi | U+002F | Solidus | Used in fractions in Jawi, also short form of "or" in Rumi |
# | Tanda Pagar | U+0023 | Number sign | Multiple usage, originally short form of "No." |
- | Tanda Sempang | U+002D | Hyphen-Minus | Multiple usage, mainly to join words |
— | Tanda Pisah | U+2014 | Em Dash | Multiple usage, mainly short form of "until" or "to", eg. 2012—2019 (2012 to 2019) |
~ | Tanda Tilde | U+007E | Tilde | Used as placeholder or mark for elongated sound. (This is the proper character codepoint for Jawi Tilde but it is shown incorrectly on unsupported system) |
∽ | Tanda Tilde Jawi | U+223D | Reversed Tilde | Used as placeholder or mark for elongated sound. (This is not the proper character codepoint for Jawi Tilde but it is shown correctly even on unsupported system) |
Listed here are the letters used as part of Malay language, formerly and currently, but not recognized as such.
Letter | Unicode Codepoint |
Unicode Name |
Usage |
ك | U+0643 | Arabic Letter Kaf | Used in place of Jawi Kaf (ک) when system does not support the actual letter. Obsolete, use Jawi Letter Kaf instead. |
ڬ | U+06AC | Arabic Letter Kaf with Dot Above |
Used in place of Jawi Ga (ݢ) when system does not support the actual letter. Obsolete, use Jawi Letter Ga instead. |
ࢴ | U+08B4 | Arabic Letter Kaf with Dot Below |
Used by Indonesians when trying to write Malay, mostly influenced by their Pegon script system that use it for G. Please properly use Jawi Letter Ga instead when writing Malay. |
ݣ | U+0763 | Arabic Letter Keheh with Thrre Dots Above |
Used in old Malay as alternative to letter Ga (ݢ). Obsolete, please properly use Jawi Letter Ga instead. |
گ | U+06AF | Arabic Letter Gaf | Used in old Malay as alternative to letter Ga (ݢ). Obsolete, please properly use Jawi Letter Ga instead. |
أ | U+0623 | Arabic Letter Alef with Hamza Above |
Used in certain situation when standalone Jawi Hamzah (ء) or Hamzah Tiga Suku (ٴ) would cause confusion. |
ئ | U+0626 | Arabic Letter Yeh with Hamza Above |
Currently only used in family name. Formerly also used for certain Malay sounds but those are obsolete, use combination of Jawi Letter Hamzah Tiga Suku and Jawi Letter Ya instead with position determined based on the sound needed. |
ؤ | U+0624 | Arabic Letter Waw with Hamza Above |
Formerly used for certain Malay sounds but those are obsolete, use combination of Jawi Letter Hamzah Tiga Suku and Jawi Letter Wau instead with position determined based on the sound needed. |
ڎ | U+068E | Arabic Letter Dul | Formerly used for Sundanese and Javanese words in Malay. Obsolete, use either Jawi Letter Dal or Jawi Letter Dad, combined with Jawi Letter Ha Besar instead. |
ڟ | U+069F | Arabic Letter Tah | Formerly used for Sundanese and Javanese words in Malay. Obsolete, use either Jawi Letter Ta or Jawi Letter To, combined with Jawi Letter Ha Besar instead. |
ۋ | U+06CB | Arabic Letter Ve | Not exist in Malay but used by some people in place of Letter Va (ۏ), use Jawi Letter Va instead. |
ژ | U+0698 | Arabic Letter Jeh | Not exist in Malay but used by some people in place of Letter Zai (ز), use Jawi Letter Zai instead. |
پ | U+067E | Arabic Letter Peh | Not exist in Malay but used by some people in place of Letter Nya (ڽ), use Jawi Letter Nya instead. |
ۑ | U+06D1 | Arabic Letter Yeh with Three Dots Below |
Not exist in Malay but used by some people in place of Letter Ye (ى) to differentiate from Letter Ya (ي), use Jawi Letter Ye instead. Also used by Indonesians when trying to write Malay, mostly influenced by their Pegon script system that use it for NY. Please properly use Jawi Letter Nya instead when writing Malay |
آ | U+0622 | Arabic Letter Alef with Madda Above |
Not exist in Malay but used by some people to denote elongated sound, use double Jawi Letter Alif or place tilde (~) after Jawi Letter Alif instead. |
إ | U+0625 | Arabic Letter Alef with Hamza Below |
Only exist in Malay loanwords originated from Arabic. Formerly used by some people to create certain sound that the actual spelling is Letter Alif followed by Letter Ya (اي), in that case use Jawi Letter Alif followed by Jawi Letter Ya instead. |
While the fonts are mainly for Jawi script, I decided to also include support for Pegon script so that the same font can also be used by Indonesians. Plus, there has been saying that Pegon derived from Jawi, so I should support them as someone who use their ancestor Jawi.
These are the additional characters and markings used in Pegon script, others are already covered by Jawi script:
Letter | Unicode Codepoint |
Unicode Name |
Usage |
ۑ | U+06D1 | Arabic Letter Yeh with Three Dots Below |
Used for letter NY in Sundanese. |
ࢴ | U+08B4 | Arabic Letter Kaf with Dot Below |
Used for letter G in Javanese. |
ࢍ | U+088D | Arabic Letter Keheh with Two Dots Vertically Below |
Used for letter G in Sundanese. |
ڎ | U+068E | Arabic Letter Dul | Used for letter DH on unsupported system. |
ڊ | U+068A | Arabic Letter Dal with Dot Below |
Used for letter DH on supported system. |
ࢮ | U+08AE | Arabic Letter Dal with Three Dots Below |
Used as alternative for letter DH on supported system. |
ڟ | U+069F | Arabic Letter Tah | Used for letter TH on unsupported system. |
ࢋ | U+088B | Arabic Letter Tah with Dot Below |
Used for letter TH on supported system. |
ࢌ | U+088C | Arabic Letter Tah with Three Dots Below |
Used as alternative for letter TH on supported system. |
َ | U+064E | Arabic Fatha | Used for vowel A (when next character is not YA/ي or WAU/و), vowel E (when next character is YA/ي), or vowel O (when next character is WAU/و). |
ِ | U+0650 | Arabic Kasra | Used for vowel I. |
ُ | U+064F | Arabic Damma | Used for vowel U. |
ٓ | U+0653 | Arabic Maddah Above | Used for vowel Ə. |